So, the weather is getting cooler around here (it is supposed to be in the 30's when they are leaving for school.) Friday night I cast on for the Unoriginal Hat by the Yarn Harlot. I used two strands of Patons SWS held together on size 10 dpns (I like dpns.) Good thing she has a small head and straight hair, otherwise it would be pretty small on her. For Kris it works. I have the yarn to make a second hat for oldest child, and she is not shying away from this hat. (Normally, she says she will not wear hand knits.) While the kids were all at Volleyball practice, I ran to my closest lys, to grab some size 11 dpns. She was out of stock. However, she is going to her supply house in the morning, and will pick some up for me and give me a call. That is great customer service, as far as I am concerned. The entertaining part is, as I was wandering and looking to see everything (hello...two hours, no kids...) another lady came in, looking for dpns, size 11 and size 13. She was added to the list of needles to pick up and people to call. The store owner is an older lady (she is in her 80's) and such a lovely person. I enjoy visiting with her whenever I go in there. I don't necessarily regard that lys as my 'favorite.' But it is a very close second. I really enjoy seeing the owner, and visiting with her.
My favorite lys is much further from my house, but it has a much better selection. The customer service is every bit the equal of this lady, and the charm of the store is much greater. However, I know I am really lucky to have three actual yarn stores in less than five miles from my house. Two are wonderful, the third I only go to in dire straights.
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