Thursday, November 15, 2007

KIP Story

It has been a LONG time since I have blogged anything, but I have a story to share.

Sunday, I was knitting on my Log Cabin blanket while my kids were at Volleyball tryouts. I had just finished with the mauve and was figuring out the next few colors to use. So, the blanket was spread out on the gym floor, and I was switching around my potential colors. The kids were having a water break and a young man, I know he was between the ages of 14 and 17, I would guess he is in the older part of the range, grabbed his cell phone and ran up to the spread out blanket, snapped a quick picture. He looked at me, bright smile, and stated "I have to show this to my Mom." My kids 'accept' that I love to knit and are no longer phased by my knitting in public. My oldest has come to accept her friends think it is neat to watch the progression of various projects, and even her friends asking me about my knitting. But, for a guy total stranger to run up and take a picture of my knitting, they were shocked and surprised.

I can see a handknit hat in the young man's near future.
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1 comment:

jenknits said...

That's a great story! Just last night at a car dealership, the salesman noticed that one of my sons was wearing a handknit sweater. Kudos to him!