Tuesday, July 6, 2010

10 on Tuesday

10 Ways to Enjoy Summer

  1. Go to the Beach - ocean, river or lake, it doesn't matter, but enjoy the summer sun and water
  2. Favorite Iced Beverage - sweet ice tea, lemonade, strawberry lemonade, whatever floats your boat
  3. Campfire/Bonfire - depending on if you are camping or home, complete with hot dogs, marshmallows and s'mores fixings. Make sure you watch the sky for shooting stars
  4. Lazy days reading in the shade just out of the hot sun.
  5. Go to the Faire - proof positive natural fibers are better than man made. Layers linen and muslin are still comfortable even in the hot weather.
  6. Go to the Fair - sounds remarkably similar to the previous listing, but the modern experience is very different.
  7. Bar-be-ques with friends. Potluck and great company makes this a low stress fun way to spend time.
  8. Outdoor concerts. Music and warm weather really go together.
  9. Spending time with my kids without the stress of too many scheduled activities and not enough Mom to go around.
  10. Picnics in the backyard, at the park, midway through a hike or at the beach, eating fresh food in the out of doors with those you love is always a celebration!


Ryan said...

Zero comments?! That just won't do, so here's me doing my bit...

This has been the Summer of Teas and Lemonades for me, definitely. Dunno why; especially since I'm usually not much of an iced-tea drinker. Took lemonade to work when it was hellaciously hot last week and it was much appreciated. Adults just turn into kids around lemonade, don't they?

Wonderful list. Wish I were doing some or all of it Right Now.

(Security word for posting comment: ovityrag. Those always make me laugh.)

Anonymous said...

I'll comment!
But you will have to go back ... go waaaay back.
To March 2007. (I think it was your second post on this blog.)
You mentioned finishing the Log Cabin bib that you were knitting for a nephew.
My comment/question: Please can we have a picture?
More seriously: Was that your own pattern or where did you get the pattern?

Happy knitting.
janeyknitting AT yahoo DOT ca
(Change caps to symbols and lose the spaces.)