Tuesday, July 27, 2010

10 on Tuesday

Ten Things To Do Rather Than Watch TV

  1. Knit -- no brainer, this is in theory a knitting blog
  2. Read -- I am just about done with book 4 on my summer reading list. I don't know if I will get them all read by September 21, but that is ok too. How are you doing on your summer reading list?
  3. Go for a Walk -- that always feels good.
  4. Spend time with my kids -- Oldest just graduated from High School. This is, in some ways, my last summer with her as a kid.
  5. Watch my kids play sports -- I do a lot of this, during Volleyball, Football, Basketball and Track.
  6. Spend time with Friends -- Face time with friends.
  7. Meditate -- spending time for yourself
  8. Sleep -- most of my TV watching is in the evening/night hours, if I spend too much time in front of the TV I miss out on my required sleep.
  9. Sit by the fire -- we have a portable firepit, and it is a wonderful evening activity, sit by the fire and talk.
  10. Computer time.

I am sure I have missed many things that can be done instead of watching TV, but these are things I prefer to do instead of watching TV.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

10 on Tuesday

10 Things to take Camping

  1. Family/Friends -- for me, camping requires family and/or friends there, otherwise, just not fun.
  2. Tent -- At one time sleeping under the stars was fine, not so much anymore. I don't like being mosquito feast while I sleep.
  3. Sleeping bags and air beds -- I do require a small amount of comfort. No more ground sleeping.
  4. Camp Kitchen items and food, bring all the veggies chopped in ziplocks on ice -- Have to feed the hoards!
  5. Lighter and extra Lighter -- I make sure we have ways to start the campfire and the cookstoves. No playing survivor for me, I leave with dependable flame, and one for the kids to lose. It happens.
  6. S'mores fixings! -- Do I need to explain?
  7. Deck of Cards -- Pacific NW camping, rain happens.
  8. Two sets of extra flashlight batteries -- This is up there with being able to start the campfire, must have light in the tent. Youngest child is now 13, this is not as important as it once was.
  9. Complete change of clothing for each of my kids (this was after they started packing themselves.) -- It didn't matter how many times I went through and reminded what they needed. Finally, if it was important to me, I made sure they had it. Less stressful in the long run.
  10. Knitting -- There is always some time for knitting. Socks are good, I prefer non-delicate items.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

10 on Tuesday

10 Ways to Enjoy Summer

  1. Go to the Beach - ocean, river or lake, it doesn't matter, but enjoy the summer sun and water
  2. Favorite Iced Beverage - sweet ice tea, lemonade, strawberry lemonade, whatever floats your boat
  3. Campfire/Bonfire - depending on if you are camping or home, complete with hot dogs, marshmallows and s'mores fixings. Make sure you watch the sky for shooting stars
  4. Lazy days reading in the shade just out of the hot sun.
  5. Go to the Faire - proof positive natural fibers are better than man made. Layers linen and muslin are still comfortable even in the hot weather.
  6. Go to the Fair - sounds remarkably similar to the previous listing, but the modern experience is very different.
  7. Bar-be-ques with friends. Potluck and great company makes this a low stress fun way to spend time.
  8. Outdoor concerts. Music and warm weather really go together.
  9. Spending time with my kids without the stress of too many scheduled activities and not enough Mom to go around.
  10. Picnics in the backyard, at the park, midway through a hike or at the beach, eating fresh food in the out of doors with those you love is always a celebration!