Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10 on Tuesday Freezer Edition

So, what is in the freezer right now...well, lots of stuff...

  1. Strawberries, uncut, sliced and mashed for making freezer jam.
  2. Marionberries whole for using however we want.
  3. Blueberries, whole and ready for oatmeal, pancakes, muffins or in a crisp
  4. Salmon, step brother has caught quick a few, and they are in our freezer right now.
  5. Chicken, always have to have chicken, it is a staple at our house.
  6. Green beans from the garden, both bush beans and pole beans.
  7. Corn, from the garden.
  8. Clams, Sonny boy is quite the clam digger and we have plenty of razor clams.
  9. Pork, got half a pig from some friends.
  10. Ice cream, a must at our house.
There are lots of other things, but the home frozen berries and veggies are what stand out when you open the freezer.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Busy time

Last night was a work appointment at the end of the work day, followed by Sonny Boy's football game. They won, 49-28. It was a far closer game than the score indicates. Yes, it was a middle school game, but the coaches don't make an effort to run up the score on other teams. As a matter of fact, first game of the season, the starters were pulled before the first half was over, as they were simply having their way with the other team.

Tonight, the Volleyball team came here for dinner prior to their match. A well played match at that, but we came up on the short end of the stick. The ref was a friend of mine from high school, she did say my daughter is a joy to watch play.

So, I missed blogging yesterday, failed in my blogtoberfest bid, but I am going to keep blogging on a far more regular basis.

I just started a test knit, and I like it so far. But I will not be posting pictures of it. I will be posting pictures of other projects, and things.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10 Things to love about Fall

10 on Tuesday

10 Things to love about Fall
  1. Cool, crisp air. For me, this makes for good sleeping, I like to have the room cool and to snuggle down under the covers.
  2. Sweater weather. I have always liked sweaters, but now that I can make my own, even better.
  3. Rain. I am a native to the Pacific NW, rain is part of my life, and hearing rain fall reinforces the coziness of home.
  4. Homecoming parades. As one of the teachers may have said, it is a cheesy little parade, but it is OUR cheesy little parade.
  5. Volleyball. I love volleyball, and even though my girls have played nearly year around, there is something special about the High School season, as opposed to club.
  6. Football and Cheerleading. All my kids are involved in this, in one way or another, family bonding and fun. Sonny Boy is good at football, and sports make him work harder in school, no grades, no play, works for me.
  7. The smell of woodsmoke from fireplaces. A cozy smell of fall.
  8. The colors as the leaves turn, such a rich palette, and colors I can wear.
  9. Soup for dinner, rich savory homemade soups. I love it.
  10. New crop apples, fresh and freshly pressed apple cider, and apple cider just as it starts to develop the tang before it turns to apple jack.

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. Kids going back to school is another good reason, but that part of my life is on the downhill slide. After 17 years, the number of kids in school by requirement is going down. College is different, as they have a choice about going, rather than going to school because they are told to go.

Dang, I think I missed Monday

But, then again, maybe I didn't, as I have not yet been to bed. Worked the gate at a MS JV football game, then went to the MS volleyball game. Watched as good friends daughter crashed and burned. Middle schoolers mom is at a hospital 2 hours north, with a different family member. Went with them to the ER as substitute Mom (complete with all the release paperwork explained and handed to me, I refused to sign the discharge papers, made Dad do that.) Dad is great for a lot of things, but sometimes teenage girls want a mom shoulder to cry on.

I will post my 10 on Tuesday later.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 3 of Blogtoberfest

Homecoming picture from October 2, 2o1o.
DD #2 and her date for Homecoming. They had such a pretty day for Homecoming. She is actually wearing 4 inch heels and is still that much smaller than he is.
Today I feel as if I have accomplished quite a bit. Made breakfast for DD #2, Sonny Boy and their cousin. Sonny Boy helped, he made the scrambled eggs. DD # 2 did clean up and swept the house. Good kids. Then I did the meal planning for the week, with the kids. Thursday is easy, chicken fettucine alfredo, caeser salad, garlic bread and probably a berry crisp, for 20. The volleyball team and coaches are coming for dinner, plus Sonny Boy, DD #1, Boyfriend, coaches daughter and Boyfriend's little sister. I hit Costco for the groceries, put them away, walked on the treadmill for an hour and knit, now I am blogging.
I am over halfway done with the knitting on the baby blanket. Tonight I will do some more seaming on the blanket and possibly take a picture to post tomorrow.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Tonight is Homecoming for DD #2. In an effort to save money, I am going to make her date's boutonniere. Homecoming is not exactly formal around here, he is wearing Jordan's and a hat to complete his outfit, and I do not mean fedora or bowler, cap would be a more appropriate description. The boys won the football game last night, 55-0, so they have some reason to celebrate. It might be more impressive if the other team had actually won a game so far this year.

Pictures to come later.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blogtoberfest Day 1

Fall is here and it is a busy time of year. DD #1 is cheering for a college football team. She got dropped from a full extension in practice earlier this week, so she will NOT be cheering at the game this weekend. College is going well for her, but she is finding out she really is much faster paced than HS.

DD #2 is playing volleyball, starting as an outside hitter for the varsity team, as a sophomore. She was also chosen as one of the team captains. So she has practice three nights a week and matches two nights a week. They are a very young team, and the season thus far has not gone quite as they would like. They are growing as a team.

Sonny boy is playing MS football, starting as a lineman on both offense and defense. They are undefeated, but he was rather disappointed with the game last night. He didn't get to sack the quarterback the entire game, after getting three sacks last week. It was also his first experience with really bad homer officials. I had to laugh, because that was the one place my HS basketball coach (a very fair and balanced individual, teacher first, coach second, a well played loss was better in his mind than a sloppily, lazily played win) actually said the outcome of a game was influenced by the officiating.

On the knitting front, I am working on a baby blanket for my neice who had a son last week. I am more than half way done with the knitting, but I am really getting tired of the project. I will try to post a picture of it tomorrow.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have committed to Blogtoberfest.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

10 on Tuesday -- What is in the 'Fridge

10 on Tuesday Refrigerator edition

Lots and lots of things are in the refrigerator

  1. Leftover pork chops from last night. Thought I was cooking for 4 kids who had just finished practice, but only ended up being 2 kids.
  2. Parmasen cheese -- it is a staple at our house.
  3. Apples -- it is apple season and fresh apples are great.
  4. Medicine for Mister. He is one of our cats, and we have some ear medicine in there for him.
  5. Milk...we go through gallons, there is always milk in the fridge.
  6. Eggs--fresh from a local farmer.
  7. Sharp cheddar cheese.
  8. Greek yogurt.
  9. Ranch dressing, my kids use it on everything, or just about everything.
  10. Homemade syrup.

There are many more things in there, but leftovers and locally grown products are the norm.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 on Tuesday How to Celebrate your Birthday

How to Celebrate your Birthday.

Interesting topic in our household, as we have a few complaints about our natel day. DD #1 is sometimes a Turkey baby, in fact, she is again this year. Fortunately, she likes Turkey and all the trimmings for dinner. DD #2 is mid-summer, all of the friends on vacation ruining her birthday party. Fortunately, her favorite cake is Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes, at least they are in season. Sonny boy is mid-March, has been known to fall during Spring Break, and again friends out of town. Additionally, two older half sisters are the two preceding days. He likes cake, more is good. Their father, his is December 24, and he has his own issues (in oh, so many ways, so he is not in the picture.) I think I have it worst of all, as mine is not even on most calendars three out of four years. That said, ways to Celebrate your Birthday...

  1. With Friends and Family.
  2. Quietly and with peace.
  3. Loudly with exuberience.
  4. With 10% off during your birthday month at your favorite LYS.
  5. Being pampered and taken care of.
  6. With three dozen long stemmed roses being sent to your office (OK, Mom was told to never do that again, long stemmed red roses are FAR too expensive in February.)
  7. Without any agenda but what comes to mind.
  8. Waking up with friends and/or family singing to you.
  9. In college, the year I had a birthday, there were actually two of us in our wing with that birthday. The hallway was decorated in our honor. Generally birthday girls got their door decorated.
  10. With love and happiness.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

10 on Tuesday -- Why to watch Football

This week's 10 on Tuesday topic is why to watch football

  1. My son plays football. This will be his 4th year, and the first year he has played he is one of the older experienced boys. He is starting on all the teams and excited.
  2. In small towns, football is the happening social event of fall evenings. You need to see someone in town, go to the football game, they will be there. The last varsity HS football game had around 4000 people at the game. Not bad for a school district with less than 500 kids. (The game was the 2008 State Champs vs the 2009 State Champs.)
  3. It is fun to watch football.
  4. It is a family event.
  5. DD #1 cheers for one of the local college teams. OK, I don't care so much about that team, could care less if they win or lose, but I want to watch the kiddo cheer.
  6. Great knitting time, and it is nice to knit wool in cold weather. I work on a blanket for my daughter during football season, one of these years I may even finish it.
  7. Great place to show off the hand knits. Again, cool weather and knitting are made to go together.
  8. Good fund raiser for the High School. Parents do a lot of fund raising at the football games, and the funds help all of the High School teams.
  9. Root for the home team. Support the local kids.
  10. Being involved with my kids and showing that I support what they regard as important.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What to tell a college Freshman

10 on Tuesday
Yeah, I am talking to you,! and to Ruthie and Stephen and Lizzie and Hannah, and whoever else may get sent here by a parent.
  1. I have already told you this, get ahead on your reading, time goes so much faster than in High School and they assign so much more reading.
  2. Go to your classes, this may seem like a no-brainer, but you are paying for this, so think of how much money you waste if you don't bother to go to class.
  3. Do all of your homework. I know, the professor doesn't collect it, and you are pretty sure you understand, and it seems like a waste of time. Do it anyway. Practice is the teacher, and thinking about the questions...you will need to know it for the final, so don't ask. If they gave you homework covering the question, they want you to know it.
  4. When you don't have a full course load, for whatever reason, when possible take a class for FUN. I don't care what it is, Beginning Social Dance, History of Theater, Costume Design, Softball and Volleyball, take a class out of your major that is a 1 or 2 credit class, that you can drop if the term is too hectic. This lets you meet more people and explore different or new things. You really do only get this opportunity once. My advisor gave this advice to me my Freshman year, I am glad I took the advice to heart.
  5. Your professors keep office hours, go meet them. Even if you hate the class and the subject, you may decide you like the person teaching it, and it may make the class go better. If you are having issues, go talk to the professor, easier to do, if you introduce yourself before you have an issue.
  6. Join a study group, yeah, there can be a lot of giggling and joking and it may not seem like productive time, but you might be surprised how laughing over a mispronounced word brings it back to you when you are fogged over by an 8 page final.
  7. Get your sleep. No, I mean it, you need your sleep, if you get ahead on your reading and do all of your homework, you should not need to cram, so get your sleep.
  8. Call Mom and Dad and your younger siblings. They miss you and they love you. They do care.
  9. STUDY BREAK! Take a walk, go outside and blow the cobwebs out of your head. It will make more sense afterward.
  10. Ask for help, if it isn't making sense, and you have done all the other stuff, find out if there is tutoring (all the accounting majors where I went to school had to work in the accounting lab once a semester...it was free, we were there.)
  11. One last thing, it is going to be hard, keep at it, all of the sudden the lightbulb will flash on and you will get it. Once you get it, if you realize you really hate your major (not talking one term in, either) change it, declaring your major is not written in blood. Don't change your major rashly, talk to the older people in your life, yes parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents. Better to change your major than graduate with skills in an area you hate and don't want to do for a long time.

So the last one really is two things. There is so much to tell, I know I have missed something high on someone else's list, and I could kick myself for missing it, but I am not sure what it is. Having fun is covered in class for fun, study break and study group. Get your sleep, check, that is covered, read early and often, go to class, do your homework...oh, ok one final thing, eat right and drink plenty of non-alcoholic, preferably water, drinks.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What I am doing for Tuesday

So without a new 10 on Tuesday topic this week, I am going to go back and do a topic I have not yet done.

Finished Object is the Knotty But Nice hat from Knitty. The young man I knit this for has a rather large head, so what I ended up doing was knitting the ribbing on size 7 (4.5 mm) needles, and the first two rows of the cable chart. Then, I could not find my size 8 (5 mm) 16 inch needle, so I switched to a size 9 for the rest of the cable chart, up until I had to switch to dpn's. Actually I switched a couple of rows before I really had to switch. I switched to size 8 dpns, because I thought the ribbing was a bit looser than I liked for the fabric. Wonderful thing is, it fits him great. It is one of the few beanie type hats that actually covers the bottoms of his ears.
I used 50 grams of a 100 gram skein of Cascade 220 superwash. I actually had the called for yarn in stash. Both the hat and the remaining ball of yarn weigh 50 grams.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 on Tuesday

Top 10 things about Bacon
  1. It can be eaten on its own.
  2. It can be eaten with Maple Syrup.
  3. It is crunchy.
  4. You can add it to a hamburger.
  5. It can top a baked potato.
  6. It is salty.
  7. It isn't just for breakfast.
  8. It keeps well.
  9. You can have it in a salad.
  10. You can have it in an omlette. (I can't eat eggs anymore, but an omlette with bacon is yummy.)

Quicky 10 on Tuesday list. Finished another book on the summer reading list. Did all the projects I wanted to before getting the next book, so hopefully I can get it today. Marching through the list!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 on Tuesday

This week's 10 on Tuesday topic is what to Bring on Vacation. I am really not going on vacation, but just helped 18 year old get ready to go on vacation, so I have some ideas.

  1. Camera -- got to have something to record and share the memories you make.
  2. Snacks -- something for the car ride.
  3. Sense of Adventure -- You have to be open to all the new experiences you may have.
  4. Knitting -- In this case, the completed knit, above was taken, as friend is moving to college in Kansas, and needs something to keep his ears warm over the winter.
  5. Appropriate clothing -- the last minute dash this morning was for the rain jacket.
  6. Money -- always need that.
  7. Sunblock -- my household of blue-eyed blonds can never have too much sunblock.
  8. Music -- travel time requires music.
  9. Comfortable shoes -- I have yet to go on a vacation without walking involved.
  10. People you care about -- OK, probably not technically taking them on vaction, but they are a requirement to make a good vacation.

I am now on book five of my summer reading list. How are you doing on yours?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

10 on Tuesday

Ten Things To Do Rather Than Watch TV

  1. Knit -- no brainer, this is in theory a knitting blog
  2. Read -- I am just about done with book 4 on my summer reading list. I don't know if I will get them all read by September 21, but that is ok too. How are you doing on your summer reading list?
  3. Go for a Walk -- that always feels good.
  4. Spend time with my kids -- Oldest just graduated from High School. This is, in some ways, my last summer with her as a kid.
  5. Watch my kids play sports -- I do a lot of this, during Volleyball, Football, Basketball and Track.
  6. Spend time with Friends -- Face time with friends.
  7. Meditate -- spending time for yourself
  8. Sleep -- most of my TV watching is in the evening/night hours, if I spend too much time in front of the TV I miss out on my required sleep.
  9. Sit by the fire -- we have a portable firepit, and it is a wonderful evening activity, sit by the fire and talk.
  10. Computer time.

I am sure I have missed many things that can be done instead of watching TV, but these are things I prefer to do instead of watching TV.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

10 on Tuesday

10 Things to take Camping

  1. Family/Friends -- for me, camping requires family and/or friends there, otherwise, just not fun.
  2. Tent -- At one time sleeping under the stars was fine, not so much anymore. I don't like being mosquito feast while I sleep.
  3. Sleeping bags and air beds -- I do require a small amount of comfort. No more ground sleeping.
  4. Camp Kitchen items and food, bring all the veggies chopped in ziplocks on ice -- Have to feed the hoards!
  5. Lighter and extra Lighter -- I make sure we have ways to start the campfire and the cookstoves. No playing survivor for me, I leave with dependable flame, and one for the kids to lose. It happens.
  6. S'mores fixings! -- Do I need to explain?
  7. Deck of Cards -- Pacific NW camping, rain happens.
  8. Two sets of extra flashlight batteries -- This is up there with being able to start the campfire, must have light in the tent. Youngest child is now 13, this is not as important as it once was.
  9. Complete change of clothing for each of my kids (this was after they started packing themselves.) -- It didn't matter how many times I went through and reminded what they needed. Finally, if it was important to me, I made sure they had it. Less stressful in the long run.
  10. Knitting -- There is always some time for knitting. Socks are good, I prefer non-delicate items.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

10 on Tuesday

10 Ways to Enjoy Summer

  1. Go to the Beach - ocean, river or lake, it doesn't matter, but enjoy the summer sun and water
  2. Favorite Iced Beverage - sweet ice tea, lemonade, strawberry lemonade, whatever floats your boat
  3. Campfire/Bonfire - depending on if you are camping or home, complete with hot dogs, marshmallows and s'mores fixings. Make sure you watch the sky for shooting stars
  4. Lazy days reading in the shade just out of the hot sun.
  5. Go to the Faire - proof positive natural fibers are better than man made. Layers linen and muslin are still comfortable even in the hot weather.
  6. Go to the Fair - sounds remarkably similar to the previous listing, but the modern experience is very different.
  7. Bar-be-ques with friends. Potluck and great company makes this a low stress fun way to spend time.
  8. Outdoor concerts. Music and warm weather really go together.
  9. Spending time with my kids without the stress of too many scheduled activities and not enough Mom to go around.
  10. Picnics in the backyard, at the park, midway through a hike or at the beach, eating fresh food in the out of doors with those you love is always a celebration!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

WIP Wednesday

Work in Process and goals for this week.

I have several more works in progress, but these are the two I have plans for this week.

Black socks for the boy. I have less than six more rounds to finish the gusset on sock one, and then the long haul of the size 12 foot. I plan to get the first sock finished this week, and the leg of the second sock started. The leg is just seven inches, so it isn't too bad to get done.

The second WIP is the Mr. Greenjeans cardigan for Aunt Kate. I only have the cuffs, and button band to finish up. This was (is) the project that taught me I don't like knitting duplicate sweaters. I knit one of these for me, and it (for me) flew. Started and done in a month. Most of the knitting on this has not taken long, but I don't like the repeat. I am going to have this finished by next Wednesday. Getting this done will be my independence day celebration.

I don't have pictures of either of these, but will try to get some and add them to the post later. Summer league Volleyball tonight for middle child, so it may not happen. But, a post is getting done.

Ryan, yes I have a blog, but if it were my child I long ago would have been in trouble for neglect. Trying to rectify that situation.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

10 on Tuesday

Summer Reading List

My summer reading list this year could be called a bit singular. Definitely a theme, and it may get interrupted part way through for a genre break, but we will see. I also don't think I will get through all of these books, but they are my list.

  1. Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephanie Meyer - Completed

  2. Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind - In Progress

  3. Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

  4. Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind

  5. Temple of the Winds by Terry Goodkind

  6. Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind

  7. Faith of the Fallen by Terry Goodkind

  8. The Pillars of Creation by Terry Goodkind

  9. Naked Empire by Terry Goodkind

  10. Debt of Bones by Terry Goodkind

This week is already booked up with non reading events, working in the fireworks stand for booster club this evening, summer league Volleyball last night and tomorrow night, possibly in the fireworks stand again on Thursday. Probably up to Heather's for the 3rd, and summer block party on the 4th. I am enjoying Wizard's First Rule very much right now, and would guess I will continue to enjoy it, however, I also may make a side trip to Middle Earth and read The Children of the Huran. But, that one will require some quiet time, maybe a better book for a rainy weekend. This year, that could be at anytime this summer.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

10 on Tuesday

10 Ways to Entertain Children

  1. Read to them - I can't count the number of times I have read 'Fox in Socks' and 'Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?' As the kids got older the books got bigger, and it was a chapter or two a night of Harry Potter or The Hobbit, or Ella Enchanted.
  2. Play board games - Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly and Life have all held center stage over the years.
  3. Go to the park - Family time outdoors is great fun.
  4. Crafts - beading, water color paints, popsicle sticks, good for the child mind.
  5. Watch clouds - imagination is a terrible thing to waste.
  6. Bake - measuring is a good way to develop math skills, and they like the goodies they make the best.
  7. Minor injuries- Kids love slapstick, and some of my minor injuries (stubbed toe, bonked head, etc) have provided hours of giggles for my kids afterward, not intentional entertainment, but entertainment, nonetheless.
  8. BUBBLES! - I don't think I have ever met a kid who does not like bubbles.
  9. Sidewalk chalk - I have seen amazing artwork over the years.
  10. Video/computer games together - Mario DoubleDash was a favorite, as the four of us could play in teams together.

The most important thing about entertaining kids is spending time together.